Questions and answers asked by our members for the Aug 1st week

Please find below the questions and answers asked in our group and answers to it. Ask your questions in the comments or join our Telegram group

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Questions and answers on living and settling in Germany

I am a full stack java developer and having 8 years of experience, how is the market in Germany for full stack developers. Can I apply from India?

There are many jobs for full stack developer. Keep applying on portals stepstone, LinkedIn, xing, indeed, honeypot,

Do anyone have EU resume format for full stack developer?

Check this post for resume and CV

What about insurance when we need to show and what duration (mine is under Long term employment)

You can show the Insurance at the time you travel. After landing here, you can apply for statuary health insurance which is linked to your salary. As yours is the employment visa, show initially at the time of interview

How long I should take insurance for employment visa?

Following approval of the visa application and before the visa can be issued, you must provide evidence that you have travel insurance for the period between arrival in the country and commencement of employment, if
such evidence has not already been submitted

Do we need to submit any documents for booking the visa appointment or, only while at the interview time ??

No, documents are not required while booking the visa appointment. Prepare all your documents for visa interview

Do we need Insurance while attending the interview for the Job Seeker Visa? Or it is needed while traveling to Germany once the JSV is approved ??

In Some locations for example in Chennai, Insurance is not needed at the time of interview. Later they will mail to bring Flight tickets, insurance if your visa is approved. But some locations they expect at the time of interview. In that case, you can ask 1hr time and book online, take printout and submit

I am going to apply for both employment Visa and a dependent visa. If we are applying for a dependent visa along with employment Visa

1. Both should have different appointments for eg: one will be in within a week and another one will be after 1 month if it will take more than a month.

2. In the above case, if we will get employment Visa first and need to travel before the dependent visa appointment date, in this case how to handle?

3. Is it mandatory to attend in person at the time of dependent visa and vice versa?

4. Incase both visas approved at the same, is it ok travel dependent after 1 or 2 months?

Any ideas or suggestions?

As I understood, you are applying for a dependent visa and your husband applying for employment visa
1. If an employment visa is happening first, then I would suggest attending together (not sure if they allow) mentioning applying together. 
2. If they don’t allow, then you need to wait for a dependent visa and your husband can fly to Germany with employment visa
3. Your husband is not required while applying for a dependent visa.
4. Yes, if approved there is a time span of 3 or more months (Not sure exact number) but they will mention in the interview. So, you can travel after 1 or 2 months
I would suggest if a visa is approved, better to go at a time. Anything can happen later like COVID situation or whatever.

I have received one interview call from one company and they have set up informal meeting. Any idea what kind of questions they may ask? Looks like this is not technical discussion

They might ask basic technical question, idea about company you are applying for , your skillset (it’s better to explain them in detail) , about your current role and most important why Germany. Go through your resume and they gonna ask same thing

I have completed A2, now doing B1, can I start applying for jobs?

Yeah, Please apply even if you don’t have German skills. Mention that you are learning German and employers might be interested

Do the employers specifically ask for B1, B2 certification or learning German language is enough

No, certificate is not needed at all if you speak German:)

Is there any way can I use a German mobile number from India while applying job and even some address to mention?

I would say mention address when your visa is approved and you are about to travel in a few weeks or in a month. But, the visa is not approved I would not suggest keeping either German mobile number and address. If you keep it, can leads to a bad impression

Do we need the documents Proof of accommodation, proof of financials and proof of health insurance at the time of booking for an appointment? Or, at the time of interview ?

Proof of financials need to show at the time of interview. But health insurance, accommodation can show when visa is getting approved and they will ask to collect the passport second time or submit passport for visa stamping. But also depends on location

Is ZAB equivalency certificate is important for Job seeker visa?

It’s not required, just check your university is H+ in anabin portal

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Questions asked on Germany Visa and work by our members and answers for the July end week


Please find below the questions asked in our groups and answers to it. This can give a clear idea if you have same questions

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What is the minimum level of German language required to get job in Germany?

There is no “minimum” requirement for German per say. There are English speaking jobs where you don’t need German language and there are companies looking for candidates fluent in German where B2 level (some people say strong B2) should be good.

How’s the job market in Germany for finance and accounts professionals?

There are jobs in the Finance field. I would not say there is none or less. But, employers expect German skills because you need to deal with finance and also employees

What is success rate and German Language proficiency?

Don’t see the success rate. Let’s consider one example:  Let’s consider 10 people who came to Germany for Job Search, in those 10 people 7 people will not keep efforts like making a perfect resume or applying 10-15 jobs per day, etc. If you ask those 7 people obviously they will say “don’t come to Germany and difficult to get a job”.

That’s how happening with a lot of people here. I spoke to some people when I started a Facebook group and I was reviewing their resume, and those are not in Europass format or not even in a good impression. When I ask them to make in Europass format, they said its complex and did not make it. So, obviously will end up returning back to their country without a job

Can you please share the Europass CV format and cover letter?

You can download here. Also Job portals mentioned

I am Automation Tester, looking forward to migrating to Germany?
1. Hows the job IT market in Munich and Berlin?
2. Is German highly mandatory? as some of my friends are in IT there without German
3. What are the chances of getting a positive response from India itself?

1. There are decent openings for Automation testing across Germany.
2. Language for IT employees is not mandatory unless you are client-facing.
But it’s good to have the basic German proficiency
3. Chances are very low when you apply from India. Generally, companies prefer candidates who are based out of the EU region.

Can anyone let me know.. in which cities in Germany do we have job opportunities for SAP Modules and are affordable to stay during JSV period?

If you ask me in which cities, I will look for jobs Linkedin and filter based on the city –> that gives me the number of jobs in the city. Repeat for other cities and decide in which city I should live in Germany during my job search

Other answers from members:
1. For sap favorable area is NRW and Mannheim Stuttgart. I was also planning to go, Mannheim, as it is between NRW and Stuttgart area  until COVID came
2. Also, remember you can stay anywhere in Germany and most of the employers will pay travel expenses

I am a Java Developer with 7 years of experience. I am currently in the process of getting a Job Seeker Visa. So my question is, once I get JSV, what is the prospect of getting some interviews with companies while still in India itself.

Chances are less for interview’s while you are in India even though you have Job Seeker Visa. But there are some people who got jobs from India itself. It depends on following factors
1. Company has a urgent requirement
2. Company has branch or subsidiary in India to take you onboard while you are in India.

Will any recruiting agency be of any help?

In Germany applying to recruitment agencies and applying directly is the same. If you apply through an agency, you will be having one extra round of interview

Do you have any information about present self-quarantine procedure in German? As my University is in Berlin but right now I can book a flight to Frankfurt only can I travel to Berlin from Frankfurt in public transport? 

14 days home quarantine and Yes, from Frankfurt you should catch an ICE/RE to  Berlin

I am trying to apply jobs from India but all are rejections

Yeah, because employers are not sure whether you get a visa or not. So, they don’t spend money on recruiting from other countries.

I’m in India.. But looking for opportunities in Germany..
Previously was in Germany for 5 years..

Getting a job from India is bit difficult. You can try again with Job Seeker Visa as might already experience in Germany, you might have more chances for interview calls

Hi, my JSV is about to expire on 11th Aug, can I enter in to Germany now.i.e. is there any mandate that we should have minimum number of days of visa validity to enter?

With the current rules it’s not possible. afaik, you need to reapply again. But, your visa will be approved again without any restrictions. Also, better to mail German consulate

I have a query regarding the job market for IT Infra Support profiles. I have 11 yrs of experience in Citrix and currently working as an SME CITRIX. Are there any chances for a job in support profile if I use JSV?

I am not sure about your role. But, I would imagine there are jobs in IT support. I would suggest do research on job portals. Based on my experience, if you find more than 500 jobs available for your role, you can think about applying JSV

Recently one of the consultancies in Delhi contacted me for the job in Germany and said they can get it done by scheduling interviews with the German companies. First Notch Immigration. Has anyone heard?

Probably, scam. Ask them to do without taking any fees. If they ask fees, tell them will pay after your first month salary in Germany.
But, I am not sure about the consultancy at all. All I heard from some people, they are just looting the money

Is there any reliable consultancy in Delhi where I can start process of Germany, Work in Germany? Means that consultancy which provide me job opportunity as well as visa assistance.

I don’t know about any consultancies, I would suggest not go to them. And, now Job seeker visa is not allowed to apply now due to covid 19. The only way is to get Job directly from India.

I am an IT professional working as a data scientist having 9 years of experience. Just wanted to ask if someone has B1 in the German language, and started applying through India. Will the chance of getting an interview will increase or it’s same if you apply from India?
Since the JSV is stopped due to COVID, one has to apply from India only.

Yes, if you have German skills you might have more chances of getting interview calls. Apply in honeypot, talent also check stackoverflow websites. Yes, JSV is stopped now. But, you can improve your German skills and once JSV is resumed, you will have more chance to find a job

I am planning to apply for job seeker visa next month in Bangalore ..but I see there are no slots 
I am mentioning my visa start date as 1st March.

Below are my questions
1. Should all my documents notarized 

2. Can I take travel health insurance after the visa has been approved or should I show it during the visa appointment?

3. (a) How can one provide accommodation details for the entire 60 days? 

3(b)Can we book for 10 days during the visa interview and say that I will book based on the situation in Germany and show enough funds in the account?

3(c)Or can we go without accommodation details and show that I have enough funds 

1. Not required
2. It depends on the location. Some locations expect at the time of the interview. If they ask at the time of the interview, ask them to give 1hr time and then you can book online and submit immediately otherwise you can submit at visa stamping time.
3. You can book accommodation here (The prices are cheaper than website for the same hotel you book.)and you can only book 30 days at a time. So book 2 times for 60 days
a. You need to show for 3 months
b. You can book a free cancellation option. so that you can cancel for free without any charges. Without funds or accommodation details, the visa will be rejected
Try to book small durations in multiple hotels or the hotel would understand that you are wasting a bed slot just for your visa. They will mail you to cancel your booking.

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