15 best common questions on Job Seeker Visa

questions on job seeker visa

The Job Seeker Visa (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Arbeitsplatzsuche für qualifizierte Fachkräfte) is a way for eligible candidates to stay in Germany for a period of 6 months and search for a job

While going through the process and finding a job, you may get an enormous number of questions. so what are they?

Well, you are lucky because I’ve put together a complete list of common questions on job seeker visa

1. What is a Job Seeker Visa?

Well, this is a common and known question. It’s a type of long-term visa that you can use to enter Germany and search for a job for a period of 6 months.

2. Who is eligible?

You must be at least 18 years old and completed a university degree. You can find the complete eligibility criteria here

3. What documents are required?

Well, mostly requires 13 documents, and check them here what are they. You can add additional documents if you think that adds value to the visa interview

4. How much are the visa fees?

The visa fee is 75 EUR for adults. Always check the current exchange rate before your appointment

5. Can I visa pay fees in cash at the time of the visa interview?

Cash is accepted at some locations and some not. Check the embassy website as per your location

6. I took Demand Draft of Visa fees 2 days or earlier, will it be accepted?

If the exchange is not the same as in Demand Draft(DD) at the time of the interview, then it will not be accepted. You need to take a new one from the bank. So, always take DD a few hours before the appointment

7. Do we need Insurance while attending the interview for the Job Seeker Visa? Or it is needed while traveling to Germany once the JSV is approved ??

In some locations, Insurance is not needed at the time of the interview. Later they will mail to bring Flight tickets, and insurance if your visa is approved. But some locations they expect at the time of the interview. In that case, you can ask 1hr time and book online, take a printout and submit

8. Is the ZAB equivalency certificate important for a Job seeker visa?

It’s not required, just check your university is H+ in the Anabin portal

9. I am a Java Developer with 7 years of experience. I am currently in the process of getting a Job Seeker Visa. So my question is, once I get JSV, what is the prospect of getting some interviews with companies while still in India itself?

Chances are less for interviews while you are outside Germany even though you have a Job Seeker Visa. But there are some people who got jobs in India itself. It depends on the following factors
1. Company has an urgent requirement
2. Company has a branch or subsidiary in your country to take you on board while you are in India.

10. My Job Seeker Visa is about to expire soon, can I enter Germany now? i.e. is there any mandate that we should have a minimum number of days of visa validity to enter?

With the current rules, it’s not possible. afaik, you need to reapply again. But, your visa will be approved again without any restrictions. Also, better to mail the German consulate

11. How long will it take to get a job seeker visa for Germany?

It depends on location and situation but in general, it takes around 6 to 8 weeks. As your application would be forwarded to the concerned local immigration office in Germany, therefore processing takes a bit longer for German national visas.

In some cases, you will get within a week too.

In some cases, it might take even longer because of additional verifications and also if the local immigration authority in Germany is completely overloaded with work. If you do not get your visa results within 8 weeks, then you should contact your German consulate where you submitted the application

12. Is it the best option to move to Germany with a Job Seeker visa with basic knowledge of the German language?

If you are in IT and have good technical skills in your domain, the basic knowledge gives you some chances in getting interview calls. But, if you are in Non-IT, I would suggest coming to Germany on Job Seeker Visa with B2 (preferably C1) German skills.

13. Can I extend my stay in Germany on a job seeker visa?

No, as per the rules extending your stay in Germany is not possible on a job seeker visa. Once your job seeker visa expires, you must either leave Germany or apply for a different type of visa. But there are 2 options worth trying to extend the visa, find more details here

14. How much money do I need to have in my bank account to apply for a job seeker visa?

You need to have sufficient financial amount to support yourself during your stay in Germany for 6 months i.e. at least €8,640 in your bank account.

15. Can I bring my family with me on a job seeker visa?

No, you cannot bring your family as you don’t have any job yet and you should be in a state of taking care of yourself financially in Germany. Anyone can apply once they acquired a work permit

Note: The above questions on job seeker visa might not be completely answered your questions. If you have any, please ask here or check out the Facebook group

2 possible ideas to extend Job Seeker Visa

This post gives you a list of some possible ways to extend Job Seeker Visa if your visa is due for expiry soon.

Germany’s Job Seeker Visa is to encourage more qualified professionals from abroad to come to Germany. With this Visa, you can stay in Germany for six months and search for a job and you cannot extend it further than that period as per law. However, there are some possible ways to extend Job Seeker Visa and we shall see that in detail in this post.

A lot of people take a risk and come to Germany for 6 months to search for a job with Job Seeker Visa. But, at the end of these 6 months if you end up with nil offers on your hand, you need to head back to your own country which can be very disappointing for some.

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If you are lucky, one of these ways can help in extending your visa.

Please note that these methods are not approved by law and therefore are not reliable. There is a probability that these might work as it had already worked for some people.

Upcoming interviews to extend Job Seeker Visa:

If your visa is about to expire and you have some interviews lined up already post the expiry date of your visa, there is a possibility that you can extend your visa. All you need to do is collect proof of email copies and head to Auslandebehörde. Submit your email copies and explain that you need more time to stay in Germany and finish your interviews. If you are lucky and convincing enough, it will be considered and they will extend your visa for up to 3 months or more. Keep in mind that it may not be considered for everyone. But, it’s worth trying your luck.

Remember, you need to show the proof of funds in your bank account for the months extended

Ausbildungsstelle to extend Job Seeker Visa:

Ausbildungsstelle means Apprenticeship in English. This is basically you getting trained in a skill and in return, some companies pay a small amount as salary or you simply get work experience for no pay. Find and apply to some companies that provide such training/internship and once you get a contract, submit the same in Auslandebehörde explaining the nature of work. They will likely consider this and convert your visa to a student visa. You can search for these training/internship type jobs on stepstone or job portals.

If you know of any other ways, please add those in comments so that it can be useful to others who look for extending their visa. Remember that this will only work depending on various factors including the city from which you apply. However, if nothing works do not be disappointed to return to your country. Prepare well, brush up your german skills, and apply again after 6 months..

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9 popular questions asked in the Job Seeker Visa interview

Job Seeker Visa Interview

After spending efforts on documentation for your Job Seeker Visa interview, if you don’t prepare well for the questions asked in the interview, it can lead to rejection.

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Here are some commonly asked questions. Make sure you prepare well and attend the visa interview

Questions asked in Job Seeker Visa Interview:

1. Introduce yourself?

2. Why do you want to go only to Germany? Why not other countries like the USA or Australia or the UK?

3. What is your motivation to go to Germany?

4. Did you research the job market in Germany?

5. Do you know anyone in Germany?

6. Where will you stay in Germany?

7. Did you already apply to any jobs?

8. How confident are you to get a job after reaching Germany?

9. Will you come back after a few years or stay in Germany?

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Blue Card – 7 Advantages and 2 Disadvantages

Blue Card Pros and Cons

The aim of the Blue Card is to make it easier for workers to come to Germany without having to go through the bureaucratic demands of regular visa applications.

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However, there are some advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Blue Card:

  • The Blue Card/work permit can be issued for up to 3/4 years
  • A permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) can be obtained after 33 months of employment or after 21 months with proof of good German language proficiency (B1)
  • The Blue-Cardholder can stay without a visa for up to 90 days in all Schengen countries
  • After 18 months, the holder can travel to another EU country and within one month can apply for the Blue Card EU in that country (not valid for Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark!)
  • Eligible to stay in a country outside the EU for up to 12 months
  • The family reunion is possible and Blue-Cardholder must demonstrate that they have the financial resources to support those family members and that the family members have the required health insurance and suitable accommodation.
  • Family members may immediately work without restrictions.

Disadvantages of Blue Card:

  • The Blue Card is just a work permit to stay and work in Germany. If you lose the job, it is essential to find a job as soon as possible otherwise you have to return back to your country.
  • Staying more than 12 months outside of the EU is not valid anymore

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Verpflichtungserklärung/Obligation letter – Complete details

Obligation letter

If you are worrying about the obligation letter, this post explains everything about the Obligation letter and documents required for it.

Most foreign guests who do not belong to the European Union require a Job Seeker Visa or Employment Visa or any visa to enter Germany. To obtain a visa, however, it is essential that the applicant has sufficient money to finance his stay in Germany.

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However, if the foreign visitor does not have sufficient financial means, there is an alternative option for a person living in Germany to make a Verpflichtungserklärung(declaration of commitment) to the immigration office. Also, we call as an obligation letter

Is Verpflichtungserklärung/obligation letter helpful to get the Visa?

Yes, With this obligation letter for the foreign guest or student, the person who invited the applicant to Germany agrees to bear the maintenance costs for the applicant. The host is then used to cover all maintenance costs that the visitor may not be able to bear. In this way, the German state can ensure that the foreigner does not incur any costs.

An obligation letter, therefore, makes it easier to issue a visa at the German embassy or consulate abroad, even if the applicant himself does not meet the financial requirements. The legal consequences of an obligation letter are regulated in Section 68 of the Residence Act.

In order to issue an obligation letter for the invitation of foreigners who are subject to a visa, the immigration authority responsible for the respective residential area of ​​the inviting person must be visited. There you will also receive the form required for the obligation letter, which must be completed and signed by the host. For the issuing of an obligation letter, the immigration authorities charge a fee of approx. €29

Documents required for Obligation letter:

From the Host:

  • Processing sheet for the Obligation letter (This can be found in respective residential area website)
  • ID card or valid national passport
  • current proof of income (e.g. proof of salary, pension notification or, for self-employed and freelancers, a current tax assessment)
  • Blue card if applicable
  • Certificate from the employer that there is an employment contract without notice and that there is a prospect of continued employment.

From Foreign Guest:

  • First name and surname
  • Date and place of birth
  • Home address in the home country
  • Citizenship of foreigners
  • Passport number

After the obligation letter has been approved by the immigration authority, the foreign visitor must present it to the embassy or consulate responsible for issuing the visa.

Important things to keep in mind:

  • If the foreign visitor has used social benefits or public funds (e.g. accommodation costs, care costs) during his stay, the person who signed the declaration must reimburse the costs incurred.
  • If the visitor is forcibly obliged to return to his home country, the obligor must also bear all costs incurred on the return trip.
  • In order for a visa to be issued for Germany, the visitor also needs travel health insurance for all Schengen countries. This insurance can also be taken out in Germany by the person who made the commitment.
  • The health insurance must have a minimum coverage of 30,000 euros.

Sweet note: If you get this letter, you no need to show any financial proof or blocked account while applying for the visa. You just need to bear the costs of visa fees and flight tickets. Also, you can find more details here in German

Job Seeker Visa – Do you know these 13 documents are required?

Job Seeker Visa

Applying for Job Seeker Visa and getting an appointment slot is tedious. In complete preparation of documents can lead to visa rejection.

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Here you can find the list of documents needed for applying Job Seeker Visa:

Required Documents for Job Seeker Visa:

  • Completed Job Seeker Visa Application, Fill the application form and Print
  • A valid passport with at least 18 months until the expiry date.
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • 3 biometric passport photos
  • A cover/motivation letter outlining your intentions for employment and reasons for them. It should also outline your plan should you fail to find relevant employment.
  • Degree certificate Certificates for other relevant professional qualifications.
  • Before obtaining a visa to work your foreign degree must be recognized or be comparable to a German degree. You can print from Anabin
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) in the German language and German format.
  • Proof of accommodation in Germany for the period of job seeking.
  • Proof that you have the necessary funds to cover six months’ living costs. Note that this will need to be a higher amount if you are moving to one of the more expensive cities such as Munich. You can prove this in a number of ways; a letter of obligation or Verpflichtungserklärung from a sponsored resident in Germany, a bank account statement, or a blocked bank account.
  • Evidence of your personal status in your home country, e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc. (Both English and translated in German)
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Visa fees (€75) confirmation (mostly Demand Draft, check the website of your country)

Optional: Please take copies of German Language certificates if you have any

Powerful Guide – How to Apply for EU Blue Card and 4 Requirements

Blue Card

The Blue Card is introduced to fill skill shortages in EU labor markets, and by making it easier for non-EU citizens to move between member states. Blue Card is valid in all European Union member states, except Denmark, Ireland, and the UK.

What is a Blue Card?

Blue card, a resident permit is designed and issued for high-earning individuals from countries outside the EU and for those who are in fields where workers are being sought for.

It is the temporary residence permit for university graduates from abroad and is obtained only from the foreign offices

Who can apply?

Whether or not you’re eligible to use an EU Blue Card will first depend upon the category that you simply apply for. Individuals can apply within the following categories:

  • Highly-qualified or skilled workers
  • Researchers
  • Seasonal workers
  • Students
  • Vocational trainees
  • Intra-corporate transfers
  • Self-employed/entrepreneurs

Requirements to apply for Blue Card:

  • Applicants must have completed a university degree (a German university degree or a degree from a foreign university that is either recognized or comparable to a German degree)
  • Applicants must have an employment contract or a binding employment offer in Germany with a minimum salary of 58,400 Euros (as of 2023)
  • However, In occupations where job vacancies for e.g. doctors, engineers, natural scientists, mathematicians, and IT specialists cannot be filled due to a shortage of qualified personnel applicants need a job offer providing gross annual earnings in the order of only 45,502 euros (2023).
  • A valid passport

Documents required to apply for Blue Card:

Steps to Apply for Blue Card:

  • Once you hold the employment contract, prepare the list of documents as per above
  • Get the appointment (This depends on the location, some locations require an appointment and some don’t) in Auslandebehörde. Check your residence Auslandebehörde website for appointments
  • Fill out the Blue Card application form (This can be done by you or your employer or at the Auslandebehörde)
  • Submit your documents
  • Wait for 3-4 weeks


What if I change the job with in first 2 years of employment?

Any change of job during the first two years of employment requires the approval of the immigration authority (section 19a subs. 4 of the German Residence Act). Approval is subject to the same preconditions as initial issuance. If the minimum gross salary threshold has been raised during the intervening period, compliance with the new threshold must be proven. Holders of an EU Blue Card are obliged to inform the competent immigration authority if the employment for which the EU Blue Card was issued is terminated prematurely.

What if I change the job after 2 years of employment?

If you hold the Blue Card for more than 2 years, you no need to inform the immigration authority. However, still you can contact them if you have any further questions

Can I bring my family members?

Of course, The family reunion is possible. You can find more details here.

Can I invite my friends, relatives to visit Germany?

Yes, you can invite anyone for the short term (90 days) with an obligation letter. Long term is possible for Spouse, Children, Parents, Registered partners, Under certain conditions other family members

Can I travel to schengen countries with Blue Card?

You can travel to countries belong to schengen zone and stay for 90 days per 180 days period

What if I lose the job while holding the Blue Card?

Generally, 3 months is allowed to search for a new job. However, it may vary based upon taxes you paid in a previous job. Please consult Ausländerbehörde immediately after you lose the job.

What happens to Health Insurance if I lose the job?

Insurance is mandatory in Germany and you need to have one even without job or jobless. So, you still need to pay for your health insurance provider which is expensive when you are jobless. For this, you need to register in the unemployment office and inform your insurance provider as soon as possible.

My joining date is very near and I may get Blue Card after my joining date, Can I start work before getting Blue Card?

Yes, it’s possible. All you need to do is to ask for a temporary work permit which is called the Fiktion card. Inform in Auslandebehörde that your joining date is very near and need to work start immediately. They will provide the Fiktion card on the spot


While applying for a work permit, you can opt for either printing in passport (Which costs around 90 euros) or opt for Electronic card (Costs around 110 euros)

The best option is to opt for Electronic card as it is easy to carry in the wallet and you no need to carry the passport all the time

Also read in German in Federal foreign office website. Read more about pros and cons

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Job Seeker Visa: 5 steps to follow to achieve your dream job in Germany

You took a big decision to move to Germany and start working here. Follow these 5 steps to get your dream job with the Job Seeker Visa.

Before that I would suggest going through the post Job Seeker Visa Explained

Step 1: Apply Job Seeker Visa

  • Book a Visa appointment based on your location
  • Prepare the documents
  • Get the approval for visa
  • Fly to Germany

Step 2: Create the perfect resume

Recruiters get hundreds of resumes. If your resume does not grab their attention in the first few seconds, it will be thrown in the trash heap.

Recruiters eliminate resumes not only on content but also on how they look. If they are poorly formatted, too short, or really ugly, content almost doesn’t matter.

Most of the German employers are happy with Euro pass CV. You can create one here.

Step 3: Applying to jobs

Finding a job is never easy and especially without effort and proper process it is challenging to land a job. Follow the process, prepare the perfect CV, and cover letter.

Here is the list of some portals to apply as soon as you hold the Job Seeker Visa

  • stepstone.de
  • indeed.de
  • meinstadt.de
  • LinkedIn
  • StackOverflow
  • honeypot.io

Step 4: Crack the Interview

Cracking the interview is never easy if you don’t follow proper guidelines. Here are some tips that may help you

  1. Always be confident
  2. Dress well
  3. Don’t fake anything as German employers believe in trust
  4. Trust yourself
  5. Arrive early, Don’t be late.
  6. Research about the company

Step 5: Applying for Work Permit/Blue Card

The last step to get the work permit/Blue Card. The Job Seeker Visa’s purpose is only to give you enough time to find a job in Germany, not exceeding 6 months. You can’t work with the Job Seeker Visa and you need to convert to a Work Permit before starting your career in Germany.

Germany Job Seeker Visa Germany Detailed information | JSV

Job Seeker Visa

Germany has option to apply Job Seeker Visa which will be explained in this post with eligibility criteria

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Germany also called Deutschland is one of the most powerful countries in the world. It is the most beautiful country with central and southern regions have forested hills and mountains cut through by the Danube, Main, and Rhine river valleys.

A strong economy, clean environment, freedom and equality, peace

Germany is also one of the countries that are seeking highly qualified employees to work in well-paid positions and encourages all young and skilled people to come to visit and look for places to work. So if you have decided that you would like to work there, the first thing you need to do is get a Germany job seeker visa.

Job Seeker Visa:

The Germany job seeker visa is a type of long-term visa which entitles you to stay in Germany for up to 6 months and search for a job. You have a good opportunity to search for the job within six months. Please note that you can’t work with Job Seeker Visa. Once you get the job, you need to convert this Visa to Work Permit which we called here Blue Card

However, not everyone is eligible for this type of visa, and to be granted one, you need to meet certain criteria.

Eligibility criteria for Job Seeker Visa:

  1. You should be at least 18 years old
  2. Should hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a German university or other equivalent foreign degrees.
  3. You should have a minimum of 5 years of work experience to be eligible for the Germany job seeker visa. However, a lot of people found jobs with experience of 2 years.
  4. Travel insurance for the entire stay in Germany
  5. Should provide the proof that you can cover your expenses for the 6 months duration of your stay in Germany.

If you have chosen to come Germany, prepare the list of documents and apply Job Seeker Visa

Job Seeker Visa fees:

Visa fees (€75) confirmation (mostly Demand Draft, check the website of your country). In some locations, cash is also accepted. While taking Demand Draft, please check the name that is matching the name of consulate


Can I work part-time with Job Seeker Visa?

No, you are not allowed to work part-time and it’s strictly for job search and you need to convert to work permit once you get the job

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3 Tips to follow after your Job Seeker Visa is approved

Once your Job Seeker Visa is approved and you are ready to travel to Germany, you may find yourself stressed out or confused with questions like how and when to apply for jobs and when to schedule your travel. This post aims to answer those questions and address any concerns you may have and gives an idea of how to plan and land successful interviews after or before you arrive in Germany.

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When to travel once your Job Seeker Visa is approved?

You can travel immediately or after a few weeks depending on your convenience. Once your Job Seeker Visa interview is complete, you will get an email from the consulate requiring you to bring your Passport, Health Insurance, and travel tickets.

If you cannot finalize your travel date just yet, you can always present a booked Flight Itinerary and/or Flight Reservation from companies like yatra or similar services and hold the tickets without paying for the full cost of the Flight Ticket.

How to apply for jobs?

By now you should already have a well-written Resume to show for. As an additional step, if you haven’t done it already, update the address in your resume to that of the place where you plan to reside in Germany. A candidate with an address in Germany is much likely to be prioritized over a candidate outside the country. The contact number however can be from whichever country you’re coming from (almost all the companies offer you to choose between Skype and a phone call and you can choose the former). Also, mention the Job Seeker Visa details (validity) so that employers have an idea about your visa

Once your resume is tweaked in this way, you can start applying in sites like stepstone.de, Linkedin, Xing, meinstadt.de, indeed.de. etc. Set Job alerts for your role so that you get notified instead of digging the entire job lists.

Some companies post job descriptions in German and might still be interested in accepting candidates who do not speak German. So translate such matching roles and apply them to them anyway to increase your chances.

When to apply for jobs?

You can apply from your country following the steps above as soon as your Job Seeker Visa is approved. As mentioned earlier, just change your address and you will get the interview calls.

Note: If you do get any interview calls, do not try to lie about your current location. If they expect you to attend a face to face interview and it is not possible for you to be in Germany by then, simply inform them that you’re currently not in Germany and will arrive there by a specified time.

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