Discover the Advantages of German Permanent Residence Permit-2023

German Permanent Residence

Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey filled with boundless opportunities and cultural richness? Look no further than the coveted German Permanent Residence Permit! Imagine a world where you can truly call Germany your home, where you can flourish in a land known for its thriving economy, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant communities. In this article, we delve into the transformative power of the German Permanent Residence Permit, a gateway to stability, security, and a future brimming with endless possibilities.

Discover how this sought-after permit opens doors to personal growth, professional success, and fulfilling life in one of Europe’s most vibrant nations. Buckle up and prepare to unravel the secrets of the German Permanent Residence Permit, as we embark on an exhilarating journey of positive transformation and unlimited potential.

Getting German PR: A Challenging yet Rewarding Journey to Embrace

Obtaining the German Permanent Residence Permit is a process that requires fulfilling certain criteria, but with careful preparation and adherence to the requirements, it is indeed achievable. Germany offers various pathways for individuals to secure their permanent residence, such as employment-based, family reunion, or through long-term residency. While the process may involve gathering the necessary documentation, demonstrating integration into German society, and fulfilling specific residency and language requirements, the German government provides clear guidelines and resources to assist applicants.

By navigating the well-defined pathways and showcasing a genuine commitment to the country, individuals can embark on their journey towards obtaining the highly valued Permanent Residence Permit in Germany, opening the door to long-term stability, professional growth, and a vibrant life in the heart of Europe.

Types of Permanent Residence Permits in Germany

In Germany, there are several types of permanent residence permits available to individuals seeking long-term residency in the country. These include:

  1. Niederlassungserlaubnis (Settlement Permit): This permit grants unlimited residence and work rights in Germany, allowing individuals to permanently settle in the country.
  2. Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Niederlassungserlaubnis (Residence Permit for Permanent Settlement): This is a temporary residence permit that serves as a pathway to obtaining the Settlement Permit. It is typically granted to individuals who have fulfilled specific criteria, such as contributing to the German economy or meeting certain language requirements.
  3. Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG (Permanent Residence – EU): This permit is designed for individuals who are citizens of other EU member states or their family members. It provides them with the right to permanently reside and work in Germany.
  4. Blaue Karte EU (Blue Card EU): This permit is specifically intended for highly skilled professionals from non-EU countries. It allows them to live and work in Germany, with the possibility of transitioning to permanent residency after a certain period.
  5. Familiennachzug (Family Reunion): This type of permit is granted to family members of German citizens or individuals with permanent residence in Germany. It enables family reunification and provides the right to live and work in the country.

Requirements For The Permanent Residence Permit in Germany

To apply for German permanent residency, you will need to submit the following documents to the Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners’ Office):

1. Valid passport.

2. Completed Settlement Permit Application Form.

3. Recent biometric photograph that adheres to German visa picture guidelines.

4. Health insurance certificate: If you have statutory insurance, provide confirmation from your provider. If you have private health insurance, submit the insurance policy and proof of paid contributions.

5. Certificate of German language proficiency.

For employed individuals:

   – Employment contract.

   – Recent employer certificate (issued within the last 14 days).

   – Salary statements from the past six months.

   – Certificate from the pension insurance institution.

For self-employed individuals and freelancers:

   – Completed audit report prepared by a tax consultant, auditor, or tax agent.

   – Last tax assessment notice.

   – Any additional requested documentation.

For pensioners:

   – Notice of pension entitlement.

   – Notice of pension information issued by the German Pension Fund.

   – Proof of payment of social security contributions.

6. Document of home ownership or lease agreement to demonstrate adequate accommodation for yourself and any family members.

7. Proof of address registration, such as a Certificate of Registration, indicating Germany as your primary place of residence.

If you fall into any of the following groups, you qualify for an expedited route to obtaining permanent residency in Germany, bypassing the usual four-year waiting period:

  • Graduates from a German university or vocational school.
  • Individuals with exceptional qualifications and expertise.
  • Holders of the EU Blue Card.
  • Self-employed individuals.
  • Family members of German citizens.

Holders of the EU Blue Card

For EU Blue Card holders, the path to a permanent residence permit in Germany is shortened to just 33 months. As long as you have been employed in a position that aligns with your qualifications and has consistently made monthly contributions to the statutory pension insurance fund, you can qualify. It is also necessary to demonstrate a minimum proficiency in the German language (A1 level), an understanding of German life, and adequate living arrangements.

read more about the EU-Blue card here.

Self-employed Individuals

Self-employed individuals who have been actively working for three years and possess a valid residence permit for self-employment are eligible to apply for permanent residency in Germany. Demonstrating successful self-employment at the time of application is crucial. Additionally, providing proof of sufficient funds to cover your own and your family’s living expenses is necessary.

Family Members of German Citizens

Immediate family members of German citizens who are employed in Germany can pursue permanent residency after three years. Requirements include achieving at least a B1 level of German language proficiency, confirming the intention to continue residing with the German citizen relative, having a personal income without reliance on social security assistance, possessing a valid work permit, and contributing to pension insurance.

Graduates From a German University or Vocational School

For graduates from German universities or vocational schools who have completed at least two years of work in Germany, a pathway to permanent residence is available under certain conditions:

Your employment must be directly related to the degree or vocational training you received in Germany.

You should have made contributions to the pension insurance for a minimum of 24 months.

Permanent Residency in Germany: How Much Does it Costs

As per the official website of the German Federal Government, the fees associated with obtaining permanent residence in Germany are as follows:

  • Standard cost: €113
  • Fast-track through self-employment: €124
  • Fast-track as a highly qualified professional: €147

These fees are subject to change, so it’s advisable to consult the official government sources or the relevant authorities for the most up-to-date information regarding permanent residence costs in Germany. For detailed information, you can visit the official German Federal Government website at German Federal Government website.

Potential Consequences of Losing Permanent Residency in Germany

Your permanent residence rights in Germany can be jeopardized under the following circumstances:

1. Prolonged Absence: If you leave Germany and remain outside the country continuously for more than six months, your permanent residence could be at risk.

2. Providing False Information: If you are found guilty of providing false or misleading information to the immigration authorities during the application process, it may result in the loss of your permanent residence rights.

3. Serious Criminal Offenses: Engaging in a serious crime that poses a threat to public order or safety can lead to the revocation of your permanent residence in Germany.

Furthermore, for specific types of serious offenses, the German authorities have the authority to impose a ban on your future settlement applications. However, in cases where a ban is not imposed, you can reapply once you meet the eligibility requirements again for German permanent residence.

It is crucial to be aware of and comply with the legal obligations and responsibilities associated with maintaining a permanent residence in Germany to ensure the longevity and security of your status.

The Privileges and Entitlements of Being a Permanent Resident in Germany

As a permanent resident of Germany, you enjoy various rights and benefits, including:

1. Indefinite Residency: You can reside in Germany without the need to renew your residence permit.

2. Job Flexibility: You have the freedom to change your employment, regardless of whether it aligns with your academic qualifications or training.

3. Entrepreneurial Opportunities: You can establish and operate your own business, irrespective of its connection to your educational background.

4. Social Security Assistance: If necessary, you are eligible to receive social security benefits, such as unemployment benefits, to support your financial well-being.

5. Financial Accessibility: You have the option to apply for bank loans, providing greater financial opportunities.

6. Educational Advancement: You can enroll in German universities and even seek financial assistance during your studies.

7. Path to Citizenship: After continuously living in Germany for eight years, you can apply for naturalization as a German citizen.

Travel Benefits as a German Permanent Resident

As a permanent resident of Germany, you possess travel privileges within the Schengen Zone, allowing visa-free travel for up to 90 days. Additionally, you can visit several other European countries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Kosovo, Mexico, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, and Turkey, granting you further exploration opportunities.

These rights and travel benefits enhance your overall experience and integration as a permanent resident in Germany, providing opportunities for personal growth, professional advancement, and seamless travel across borders.

Steps to Take if Your Application for Permanent Residency in Germany is Declined

In the event that your application for permanent residence in Germany is turned down, the immigration authorities are required to provide a comprehensive explanation outlining the grounds for their decision. If you believe that you have been treated unfairly or essential information pertaining to your application has been overlooked, you have the option to request a reconsideration of the decision.

If the reconsideration process does not yield a satisfactory outcome, you can proceed to present your case before the German administrative courts. The German judicial system encompasses multiple levels, including regional courts, higher regional courts, and the Federal Court of Justice. In exceptional circumstances, if necessary, you can escalate your case to the European courts as a final recourse.

German Citizenship vs. Permanent Residence

While holding a permanent residence permit in Germany offers numerous benefits, it does not grant certain privileges available to German citizens. Permanent residency does not provide the right to vote in elections or obtain a German passport. However, if you have resided in Germany for over eight years, you have the option to pursue German citizenship, which grants additional rights and responsibilities, including the ability to participate in the democratic process through voting and enjoy the full privileges and protections afforded to German citizens.

we hope this article has provided valuable insights into the distinctions between German citizenship and permanent residence. While permanent residency offers stability and various benefits, obtaining German citizenship unlocks additional rights and opportunities. We encourage you to explore more of our articles to deepen your understanding of the topic.

We value your feedback, so please feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts. Thank you for reading, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with informative content in the future.

Study In Germany: Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Dream University

Studying In Germany

Are you an international student considering studying in Germany? With an abundance of universities and diverse courses available, making the right choice can seem daunting. Worry not, as we have written Study In Germany: Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Dream University to help you make an informed decision about selecting the perfect institution. We’ll cover everything from understanding the German university system to study visas and scholarships available, ensuring that you have all the tools and resources necessary to make the best decision for your educational journey in Germany.

Understanding the German University Landscape

The German higher education system is divided into three main categories:

  1. Universities (Universitäten) – Specialising in research and in-depth, theoretical teaching.
  2. Universities of Applied Science (Hochschulen) – Focused on the application of learning and practical work experience.
  3. Colleges of Art and Music (Musik- und Kunsthochschulen) – Training budding artists, designers, musicians, and actors.

Degrees offered by German universities range from Bachelor’s to Doctoral degrees, with additional qualifications such as Staatsexamen required for specific professions like medicine, law, and teaching.

Affordable Education and Top-Ranked Universities

Germany is known for its affordability of higher education, with most federal states having eliminated tuition fees in 2013. Scholarships and grants, such as the Erasmus+ program, DAAD scholarships, and the Deutschland Stipendium, are available to international students for financial assistance.

When searching for the perfect university, consider rankings such as the QS World University Rankings, which provide an overview of the best institutions in Germany. However, remember that rankings should not be the sole deciding factor – consider location, program availability, and language requirements as well.

Top 10 Tips for Choosing the Perfect University In Germany

Here are the top 10 tips to help you choose your Dream University in Germany

  1. Determine your career goals and objectives.
  2. Research university rankings and top-performing institutions.
  3. Compare course offerings across different universities.
  4. Review admission requirements and deadlines.
  5. Investigate employment opportunities and career prospects.
  6. Explore accommodation options and living costs.
  7. Consider the availability of scholarships and grants.
  8. Understand the study visa process and requirements.
  9. Evaluate language requirements and support services.
  10. Visit the campus and engage with current students, if possible.

By following these top 10 tips, you can make an informed decision about your future academic path and find the perfect German university that aligns with your career aspirations and personal preferences.

Navigating Study Visas and Scholarships

International students from non-EU countries are required to obtain a study visa to pursue higher education in Germany. There are three types of visas:

  1. Language Course Visa: For students planning to take a language course before starting their studies.
  2. Student Applicant Visa: For students who have not yet received admission to a university but want to apply in person.
  3. Student Visa: For students who have been accepted by a German university.

Obtaining a study visa is a crucial step for international students who wish to pursue higher education in Germany. As of 2021, the number of international students in Germany has reached over 400,000, which makes up 13% of the total student population in the country. Non-EU students are required to have a student visa to study in Germany.

The Language Course Visa

The Language Course Visa is the first type of visa that international students can apply for when planning to take a language course before starting their studies. This visa is valid for up to three months and is granted to students who have been accepted into a language course in Germany. The cost of this visa application is approximately 75 euros.

The Student Applicant Visa

The Student Applicant Visa is the second type of visa that international students can apply for if they have not yet received admission to a German university but want to apply in person. This visa allows students to stay in Germany for up to three months and costs approximately 75 euros. It is important to note that this visa cannot be extended, and students who have not received admission to a university within the given timeframe must leave the country.

The Student Visa

The Student Visa is the third type of visa that international students can apply for after they have been accepted into a German university. This visa is valid for the duration of the student’s studies and allows them to work part-time for up to 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. The cost of this visa application is approximately 75 euros.

It is crucial to start the visa application process well in advance, as it may take several weeks or even months to complete. The application process involves providing various documents, including proof of enrollment, proof of financial support, and proof of health insurance. International students are advised to check with their respective German embassy or consulate for the specific requirements and timelines for visa applications.

Check out this article for a comprehensive guide on applying for a student visa in Germany.

Embarking on Your German Education Adventure

Tips for Choosing the Perfect University In Germany

With our comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision about pursuing higher education in Germany. Remember, choosing the right university and course is crucial for your academic success and future career. So, take your time, conduct thorough research, and be prepared to embark on an incredible journey.

Do you have any questions about universities in Germany? Feel free to share them in the comments below! Our team will address your questions and provide additional information to assist you in your decision-making process.

Be sure to stay tuned for our follow-up article, where we will delve deeper into specific aspects of choosing the right university in Germany for international students. We want to ensure that you have all the tools and resources necessary to make the best decision for your educational journey in Germany.

The job interview process in Germany and how to crack it – Ultimate Guide

A lot of people are looking out for jobs in Germany and to settle. Unlike other countries, Germany has a Job Seeker Visa to come to Germany and seek a job for 6 months. Also, you can apply directly from your country and if you are lucky enough, you might end up in Germany. But, if you want to crack the interview you need to know the job interview process in Germany and rounds. Let us go to the details that can be useful.

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Preselection: CV shortlist

The first step is to apply for the role or position in the company. Generally, you apply for the job with a list of documents CV, Cover letter, and certificates if any. You can also call directly the company and inquire about the position. Once applied, you can wait for the email or call from the HR

All company HRs will receive a huge number of applications for job positions. The recruiter will take some time to go through all the CVs and shortlist the best candidates for the first round of job interviews.

Make your resume/CV perfect to get shortlisted. Invest some time on CV/resume and it’s worth it.

First round of Job interview:

Hurray, the time you invested in your CV/resume, and based on your skills, you are shortlisted for the first round. You must feel lucky as a lot of CVs can go to the trash bin. Treat this as important and prepare for the first round of job interviews. Usually, you will get an email from HR with different time options for an appointment. This could be a video call or audio call or sometimes, directly at the company.

You can choose the time based on your convenience and give the confirmation to the recruiter. Now, sit back and go through your resume and brush up your skills provided on your resume. The questions will not be out of the box and all questions related to the skills or experience mentioned in your resume.

Your CV/resume is the key for the first round of Job interview

Make sure you are on time for the interview and there are no distractions like noises or bad wifi connections, etc. The first round will be mostly with the recruiter/HR to check your skills and experience that fits the open role/position in the company.

Some questions that you can prepare before a Job interview:

  • Basic questions about the skills mentioned on the CV/resume
  • why do you apply for this position/role?
  • Why this company?
  • What are the achievements that made you proud of your previous work experience?
  • Why are you changing the job?
  • Do you speak German?
  • Are you interested to learn German?

There can be questions different than above and its just example as they are popular

Second Round of Job Interview:

The second round is the most crucial round to crack the job interview. Once the recruiter realizes that you fit the open position, your CV/resume will be forwarded to the respective team where you will be working with them once you are selected. You will get an email for the second round to choose the date and time.

The questions are completely technical or related to your experience based on the position you apply. Also, some questions on previous experiences, and studies. Remember don’t fake anything and if you don’t know something, say it and show them that you are interested to learn new things. Also, please make sure that you are communicated well and not show attitude. Even if you have skills and fit for the position, but if your attitude makes them you don’t fit the team and end up in rejection.

Your skills and confidence is crucial for the second round

This round can be a video call or directly at the company as well. For IT, it can be directly live coding tests or some companies will send you a coding challenge.

Third Round of Job Interview:

Some companies might end up with 2 rounds and you will know whether you are selected or rejected. But, most of the companies go for 3rd round as well. If it’s not IT, mostly could be another round to test your knowledge

If it’s IT, you will be getting a coding challenge that you will have time to finish in 1-2 weeks. Show your coding skills and don’t take any help from others. Because, you might survive the coding challenge, but later you might get fired or end up in rejection in a later round. It’s best to do it on your own and learn things.

The coding challenge will be based on your programming skills and can choose the language that you are familiar with

Final round:

Awesome, you passed all the rounds, and here on the final round of interviews. This round is not difficult and it is just to discuss your salary and introduce it to the team. This round mostly will be at the company as HR will take you around the office and introduce you to your colleagues.

The most lovable interview round 🙂

Be calm and kind to your new colleagues, and enjoy the happy moments as you are not jobless anymore :). You can also talk about salary negotiations and employee benefits with HR.


Some companies have only 2 rounds or 3 rounds and more. I narrowed it down to 4 rounds above that fit every category or role.

Important tips:

Thank you for reading the post and if you have any suggestions or feedback, let me know in the comments. If you want to share your job interview experiences which can be helpful to others, please contact us

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Complete guide to finding companies list in Germany

companies list in germany

As I promised in the previous article (ways to apply for jobs in Germany), now let’s go through how can you find the companies list in Germany based on city and industry. Check the step-by-step guide below.

Guide to find companies list in Germany:

1. Open the website and click “Suchen”

Then you will see below screen

2. Select Industry in the branche drop down. For ex: Select IT if you are in IT field

3. Select place in ort field. For example: Enter Frankfurt am Main

4. Or You can select the region. For example enter Hessen

5. You will see the results below

6. Click the company to open the details. For example, you should able to see the below screen if you select the company Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH

7. Scroll down the page to links section and click the website link. Go to their website and look for the career portal, search for the jobs. If there is no website link, copy the company name and search in google to navigate to career portal

The other way is to find companies list in Germany by google maps. Let us know your feedback in the comments that helps to provide more useful information

Coming up:

The next article will be The interview process in Germany. Subscribe below to get notified


Join our Telegram group if you have any further questions

4 Ultimate ways to apply for jobs in Germany

Jobs in Germany

As everyone needs a job to survive and live a better life. Applying for jobs in Germany or anywhere is not really difficult. But, if you don’t apply in the right way your resume can end up in a trash bin. And if you think there is only one way to apply on job portals, then you might be wrong. To get the job, you need to crack the interview when there is a huge competition in Germany. For that, you need to follow certain principles, process, and keep huge efforts to stand out as unique in the competition.

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I consolidated the best ways to apply for jobs in Germany and what you need to follow before applying, let’s go through them below.

Applying through Job Portals:

Find below the list of Job portals and create a good profile as a first step. Follow the priority below to apply for jobs, also subscribe for new job alerts

Remember, for every company you apply, prepare a new cover letter as per role and requirements. All employers will get 100s of applications with the same content in the CV and cover letter. So, why they need to consider your application? Just ask for yourself. Before going to apply, study about the company and add a few points about what is great and what can you make better. This will be a chance to pick your application at first. Once you applied for all the jobs in all job portals. Go to the below sites and look for jobs.

Applying directly in the company portal

The second way is to apply for jobs in Germany is directly on the company portal which is also the best method and less competition compared to other ways. Mostly, no one tries this method and thus results in fewer job applicants to the job position. Check below ways to find companies

Job/Tech Fair to apply jobs in Germany:

Job/Tech fair is referred commonly as a career fair or career expo, which is speed dating for companies and professionals job seekers. A job fair is an event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees.

Many job seekers tend to overlook job fairs as they may be viewed as crowded, competitive, and confusing, considering there are so many recruiters. But, there are many benefits

You can check here some events happening in Germany

Jobs via Social Media Network:

Today, social media isn’t just used to keep in contact with our social network yet it has likewise become an essential tool for sourcing and recruiting the best candidates. In fact, more than 90% of recruiters use social networking platforms to find, recruit, and retain ideal employees. Find below some tips to find jobs in Germany:

Coming up:

The next article will be step by step by guide to finding companies list as per city and industry-based so that you can apply for jobs in Germany directly on the company portal. Subscribe below to get notified


Join our Telegram group if you have any further questions

Ultimate guide: Earnings and Salary Structure in Germany

Salary Structure in Germany

Earnings in Germany:

The Earnings and Salary Structure in Germany highly depends on the country’s Employment Law, which defines many policies regarding the payroll. Most of the regulations regarding payment of salaries and wages, are governed by Germany’s Civil Code, its Industrial Code, and other collective agreements.

Gross and Net Salary Structure in Germany:

The gross salary as deemed in your pay structure and the net salary you’re paid for a year in Germany are two different sides of the same coin. Your contract only states your Gross Salary – which is the income before tax deduction and the Net Salary is the actual amount that gets credited to your bank account.

The difference in both these amounts is highly dependent on the tax system in Germany which may likely be different from that in your home country.

It is important to familiarise yourself with the tax system of the state you’re working in to calculate your net income based on your gross salary.

Minimum wage:

€ 9.35per hour since January 1, 2020.

The minimum wage commission advises every two years on the adjustments to the level of the minimum wage. In doing so, it checks the level of the minimum wage that is suitable for contributing to an adequate minimum level of protection for employees, for enabling fair and functioning conditions of competition, and for not endangering employment.

Though there are some exceptions to this number based on employees’ age, status, or any applicable collective agreements. Trainees, those in entry-level qualifications, or those working as part of an apprenticeship or university course may also be exempted on a case-by-case basis.

According to the regulations of the Minimum Wage Act, the next adjustment of the statutory minimum wage will take place on January 1, 2021.

As per an important announcement Germany’s minimum wage will be raised over several stages, eventually amounting to €10.45 ($11.74) per hour by mid-2022

Germany also offers a wide variety of bonus, profit-sharing and incentive schemes that can be awarded to employees.

Sometimes companies also offer money to cover the cost of relocation, private health insurance or short-term accommodation. Some particular schemes employees should be aware of include:

  • The ‘13th month’ or ‘13th salary’ payment: certain collective agreements allow German employees who have worked all 12 months of the year to receive full payment of a month’s wages as a year-end bonus (or a pro-rated amount for less than a year’s work). 
  • Supplemental pay: which is granted in addition for various reasons, such as compensating for difficult job circumstances, work on weekends or at unsociable hours, and sometimes even a bonus is included when an employee goes on vacation.

While all other detailed schemes can be referred here.

Average Salary Structure in Germany

Individual salaries depend on factors such as geographical placements and industry type.

An overview of the top average salaries of professionals in popular departments is given below for your estimations as these numbers would provide you the approximate salary structure for professionals in Germany.


The top 10 cities with the highest average salaries in Germany are:

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The top 10 sectors with the highest average salaries in Germany include: 

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The average salaries for professional groups:

OccupationAverage annual income (gross)
Doctor€ 92,316
Finance€ 76,354
Law€ 70,042
Banking€ 65,006
Engineering€ 64,541
Consulting € 63,893
IT€ 60,545
Marketing€ 60,424
Staff – HR€ 58,408
PR€ 57,741
Scientific research€ 56,466
Insurance€ 55,301
Purchasing, materials management & logistics€ 51,501
Education€ 50,352
Health and social services€ 49,866
Design € 48,259
Technical occupations€ 46,119

IT Industry Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in IT Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:


The top 5 Professional title in the IT Industry with highest average salaries are:

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IT manager
IT architect
Software architect
SAP rn-house consultant
Senior software engineer

Engineering Industry Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in Engineering Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:


 The top 5 Professional title in the Engineering Industry with highest average salaries are:

Marketing Industry Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in Marketing Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:


The top 5 Professional title in the Marketing Industry with highest average salaries are:

Sales Industry Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in Sales Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:


The top 5 Professional title in the Sales Industry with highest average salaries are:

Personnel Industry (HR Staffing) Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in Personnel Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:  


The top 5 Professional title in the Personnel Industry with highest average salaries are:         

Consulting Industry Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in Consulting Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:  


 The top 5 Professional title in the Consulting Industry with highest average salaries are:       

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senior Consultant
Business Analystiin
Regulatory Affairs Manager/in
Technical Consultant

Finance, Insurance and Banking Industry

The average Salary difference for professionals in Finance, Insurance and Banking Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:  

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work experience
years 3 - 5 years 6 - lO years 10 years
55.707€ 67.138€

The top 5 Professional title in the Finance, Insurance and Banking Industry with highest average salaries are:                                                                                                                                                      

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Finance manager
Risk controller
Asset Manager
Business economist
Insurance specialist

Purchasing and Logistics Salary Structure in Germany

The average Salary difference for professionals in purchasing and logistics Industry based on tasks and professional experience is:  

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work experience
.:;2 years 3-5 yeai 6- 10 year5 10 years
47.044€ 56.281€ 87.568
Purding (D
39468€ 48818€ 58.979€ 69.824€
36.830€ 40912€ 47.731€ 53.764€
admiiitratiou Q
31.701€ 37.578€ 39.823€ 47.267€
Warehouse logistes •
28.851€ 33.765€ 37.542€ 40.750€

The top 5 Professional title in the purchasing and logistics Industry with highest average salaries at a glance are:

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Logistics manager
Supply chain manager
Strategic buyer
59. 596f
Export clerk

Complete guide to unemployment benefits in Germany

unemployment benefits

It’s a dream of many to work and settle in Germany and live a better life. But sometimes, it turns upside down and it is sad when someone has to face a jobless situation. However, unlike some countries, the German federal government offers one of the best unemployment benefits under certain conditions.

Types of unemployment benefits in Germany

  • Unemployment benefit I (Arbeitslosengeld I)
  • Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II)

Unemployment benefit I (Arbeitslosengeld I)

If you lose employment and you have contributed to the German taxes, then you are eligible for unemployment benefit I. See below to know how much you can claim based on taxes you paid in previous years

How much you can claim?

You will get 60% (without children) of your net salary from your previous earnings. If you have children, then you are entitled to get 67%. The amount of time for unemployment benefits depends on the age and contributions you made in employment. Your health insurance also will be covered by unemployment benefits.

What happens to Health Insurance if I lose the job?

Insurance is mandatory in Germany and you need to have one even with or without a job. So, you still need to pay for your health insurance provider which is expensive when you are jobless. For this, you need to register in the unemployment office and inform your insurance provider as soon as possible.

  • If your age is < 55 and worked for 12 months: 6 months unemployment benefit
  • If your age is < 55 and worked for 24 months: 12 months unemployment benefit
  • If your age is > 55 and worked for 48 months: 24 months unemployment benefit

How can I apply for unemployment benefit I?

To receive unemployment benefit I, you must register as unemployed. Follow the below steps to apply

1. Registering as a Job Seeker:

You can apply for unemployment benefits in advance if you know in advance in the below situations. Arbeitsagentur allows you to apply earlier and avail benefits as you can plan for searching for the next job accordingly. The unemployment registration can be done before the unemployment (a maximum of three months before). 

  • If you are fired and serving a notice period
  • If you are fired without notice period
  • If your company went bankrupt and cannot pay employees

You can apply online here

2. Register in person:

You know that you will be losing the job and registered as a Jobseeker. Now, it’s time to register in person on 1st day of your unemployment. Check with your residence postal code and visit a person to apply for unemployment benefits. Don’t forget to take the below documents along with you

  • A valid id or passport
  • City registration
  • Valid visa
  • Notice of dismissal(Termination letter) or fixed-term employment contract if applicable
  • CV
  • Insurance card

3. Fill application form online:

After you finished with the above 2 steps, it’s time to fill out the application form Antrag auf Arbeitslosengeld. You can get this form from Arbeitsagentur or you can fill online.

You can also calculate how much money you will get based on taxes paid in previous years. Calculate here

Once done, you will receive the post within 2 weeks. Also, you will be invited to meet the counselor and talk about the steps you have taken to search for the job.

Unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II)

Unemployment benefit II (“Hartz IV”) is received by people who live in Germany legally in the long-term (i.e. German citizens, under certain conditions EU citizens, or non-EU citizens in possession of a residence permit) if they are older than 15 years, not yet of retirement age and fit for work. In addition to the (cash) benefits to secure existence, recipients of unemployment benefit II are entitled to help with reintegration into the job market.

If your immigration as an EU citizen was exclusively to seek work, you will receive no unemployment benefit II. In this particular case, you could have a claim to social welfare. However, if you take at least marginal employment, you can receive supplementary benefits in accordance with the Social Security Code II. More info you can find here


What happens to Health Insurance if I lose the job?

Insurance is mandatory in Germany and you need to have one even with or without a job. So, you still need to pay for your health insurance provider which is expensive when you are jobless. For this, you need to register in the unemployment office and inform your insurance provider as soon as possible.

I lost my job and my blue card is going to expire, Will my blue card be extended with unemployment benefits?

Yes, you can extend your Blue Card/Residence permit. Check with Auslandebehörde and request an extension. Make sure you carry all the required documents (documents received from unemployment benefits)

I worked less than a year, Can I apply for unemployment benefits?

It totally depends on the Arbeitsagentur office. As per requirements, you need to work at least 12 months to avail of the benefits. However, it’s worth giving a try

8 key points to make a perfect resume | Germany

A perfect resume is an essential tool to help you initiate a discussion with HR or headhunter. In Deutschland, curriculum vitae is thoroughly scrutinized by the hiring manager & HR before they proceed with the candidate. Hence, writing the CV in German format adds a lot of weight to your profile & makes it easier for the person to get a good understanding of your skillset, experience, strengths, and so on.

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Key points to make perfect resume:

Based on my successful interactions with multiple employers I would like to recommend the below pointers to make a perfect resume:

  1. You don’t necessarily need to have your CV in the German language unless & until you are very good at it. Mere translation of English to German using online translators would be irreparable damage to your profile. It is more or less watching English movies with Hindi or any of our regional language subtitles.
  2. Find someplace on your CV to upload your passport size as Germans expect photographs. Of course, the photograph should be more professional.
  3. While mentioning your years of experience try to round off to the nearest integer. For example, if you have 5.1 years of experience, do not put 5.1 as it doesn’t make sense to the hiring manager with 0.1 factor. The same goes for 5.9 as well, feel free to round off to 6.
  4. Include your linguistic skills and I’m very sure you will be asked about German language skills during interviews even though you apply for English speaking jobs. Despite having basic German skills, feel free to highlight in the CV. Something is always better than nothing!
  5. Clearly outline your work experience & education details in a crisp, concise & compact way having the organization, project details, skills, your roles & responsibilities.
  6. Do mention your hobbies as Germans are keen to know your free time activities just to know how social you are.
  7. Keep resume in short, not more than 2 pages.
  8. Don’t add same roles and responsibilities if you worked for multiple companies. Make it as a summary and add projects, companies you worked for.

Templates for making perfect resume:

I would suggest you try online templating websites to create make perfect resume/CV as they have many space-efficient templates. Few I could suggest are : ( Elon Musk uses this :))

It is good to include LinkedIn, skype-account, GitHub, StackOverflow profiles as they show your interest in the community. Particularly in my case, I’m asked about my free time projects & StackOverflow community and contributions.

Disclaimer: The above pointers are my sheer inferences with the discussions I had with recruiters and more biased to IT profiles. However, it may vary heavily from case to case.